Monday, 4 December 2006


Well, in less than a day i'll be in Auckland and waiting for my flight to Santiago which will then take me to Quito in Ecuador. I'll be there for three days until the start of my tour around South America.

Today has been pretty hectic. The car needed a new warrant so i did that this morning as well as a whole bunch of smaller jobs like cleaning and clearing out my room for Hamish to move into for the summer.

Not sure if i'll get the room back or not when i return, but no matter, the plan is to find a house before the winter truly sets in so i shouldn't have to put up with a cold room at all next year... assuming we can find a place nicer than where we are now for not too much money.

To top the whole trip off i think i'm getting a cold right now, cool huh. Heres hoping it goes away sooner rather than later and i don't get too poked with it. I assume jetlag and a whole bunch of stress and lack of sleep should kick it in the balls and maybe fix me up. If not then i'll be into the drugs earlier than i had wanted. Oh well.

In other news i have watched two great movies in my frenzy to finish a list as long as my arm before i leave.

The first is Brick. It is fantastic. Nothing is spoon fed to you which i LOVE. If you don't get it then don't worry, they use alot of slang simlar to cockney slang used in other films. But from waht i've read this is generally teen based slang rather than something bred into you. I'm unsure about how accurate it is as i have never experienced american underground high school but it's definately an interesting concept. WATCH IT

The second is the sequal to one of the worlds best cult status films, Clerks 2.
Done with an obviously higher budget than the original (it's in colour rather than black and white) There are several cameos from more established actors than the majority of the Clerks crew which i'm not sure if i liked or not.

It is packed full of Jay and Silent Bob humour which only appeals to some but i loved it. I guess you need to 'know' the characters to get it. Regardless of that i absolutely thought that Kevin Smith had been true to the original. Very much an instant favourite in my books. WATCH IT.

Lastly i have been listening to alot of Chuck Berry recently and highly recommend him if you want some fun background music or if you want to listen to some old school lyrics.

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