Monday, 25 December 2006

Merry xmas i guess

Hey everyone,

Well it´s a day late for most of you but right now it´s 10:30 in the morning of xmas here in Peru. Currently we´re in a town called Huanchaco. It´s a beach town but the beach doesn´t look very nice compared to the last place we were in.

After we drove the torturous drive through the hills to Punta Sal in Peru we had a full day there and loved it. The weather was probably about 35-40 degrees in the sun and all of us got burnt to some extent.

We drove into a nearby town called Mancora about 15 min away and some of the others went and had a surf lesson in the heat of the day... They´re paying for it now with bruises and sun burn. I on the other hand went and had a wonder round the town and the markets and bought a few gifts and things.

Then it was an 11 hour drive to get here in Huanchaco. The drive went through some serious desert country where the sun was only a fraction off being exactly on top of you. Lunch was interesting. We tried to park the truck so that we could use its shade to keep us out of direct sunlight but we didn`t have much to play with. To make things worse there was a pretty hefty wind blowing sand straight into us and our food. Mmmmm crunchy juice.

Either way it is now christmas here and most of the locals are taking it easy which means that the things that the tour had planned for today are cancelled so with any luck we´ll be able to spend those entrance fees on some booze or food for xmas dinner.

I think we have a turkey running around somewhere for us...

Tomorrow will be hung over most likely and driving for another 12 hours to our next destination somewhere in the hills. There we are planning to be going ice climbing and glacier trekking. I can´t wait.

Right now however i need a booze poos and i´ll try and update again at the half way point of the trip in 5 days as i don´t think that i will have anywhere to update again before then.

See you all later and i hope that you all had a great xmas. For a special few there might be a few gifts coming back with me.

p.s. for those that wanted postcards it´s been remarkably difficult to find post offices. There was one in Cueñca but the line was literally 2km long as the office only opens once a week... I´ll try my best to send them in the next week but it may end up easier for me to just send them when i´m at the airport.

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